• Investment risks can seem scary, but they are a part of making money through investing. Even the famous investor Benjamin Graham said that investing is about managing risk, not running away from it. So, how can you deal with these risks? Let’s break it down in simple terms.
  • What Are Investment Risks? When you invest your money, there’s a chance you might not make as much as you hoped, or you could even lose some of it. This is what we call investment risk. It happens because financial markets can be unpredictable. Prices of Equity mutual funds, stocks, bonds, or other assets can go up and down.
  • Types of Risks: There are different types of risks, but here are a few you should know about:
  • Market Risk: This is when the entire market goes up or down. It’s beyond your control.
  • Credit Risk: If you lend money (by buying bonds or depositing it in a bank), there’s a risk the borrower might not pay it back.
  • Inflation Risk: Over time, money’s value can decrease because of inflation. So, your investment may not grow as much as you think.
  • Liquidity Risk: This happens if you can’t quickly sell an asset without losing its value.
  • How to Manage Investment Risks: You can’t eliminate risks, but you can control and reduce them.
  • Diversify: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your money across different types of investments. If one doesn’t do well, the others might.
  • Invest for the Long Term: Markets go up and down in the short term. But over time, they tend to grow. So, think long-term to ride out market fluctuations.
  • Research: Learn about what you’re investing in. The more you know, the better decisions you can make.
  • Risk Tolerance: Everyone’s different when it comes to how much risk they can handle. If you get nervous easily, you might prefer safer investments, even if they offer lower returns. If you can handle more risk, you might go for investments that could bring higher rewards but are riskier.
  • Professional Help: If all of this still seems confusing or too much to handle, you can seek advice from a financial advisor. They can help you make choices that match your financial goals and risk tolerance.
  • In conclusion, investing involves some level of risk. But remember, risk doesn’t mean you’ll always lose money. Over time, if you manage it well, you can make your money grow. So, don’t let fear hold you back from investing. Understand the risks, make informed decisions, and let your money work for you over the long term.