Warren Buffet’s quote teaches us an important lesson about success, not just in games but in life as well. He says that the people who win games are the ones who pay attention to what’s happening on the field, rather than constantly checking the scoreboard.

Imagine you’re watching a basketball game. The players on the court are busy dribbling, passing, and trying to score points. These players are focused on their actions, on the “playing field.” They aren’t constantly looking at the scoreboard to see who’s winning or losing. Instead, they’re giving their best on the court to win.

The same idea applies to life. When we set goals or work on projects, we should concentrate on the tasks at hand, just like those basketball players. We should do our best and give our full attention to what we’re doing. This is how we make progress and achieve success.

Constantly worrying about the “scoreboard” in life, like money, fame, or other people’s opinions, can be distracting. It can take our focus away from the things that truly matter – our efforts, our skills, and our commitment to our goals.

So, Warren Buffet’s message is clear: to win in games or in life, we should concentrate on the things we can control and do them well. Instead of being preoccupied with the end result, focus on the journey and the actions you take to get there. By doing so, you increase your chances of achieving your goals and finding success.