Deposits can be renewed from the date of maturity date if renewal instructions along with deposit receipts except for auto renewal, are received within 6 months from the date of maturity. In such cases the rate prevailing on the date of maturity will be applicable. Otherwise the same will be renewed prospectively and in such cases interest ceases on maturity. Renewal of deposit will be for an amount net of TDS if any.
In the case of A or S/s accounts, renewal retaining one of the depositor(s) as the first depositor are possible. However, renewals to the persons other than the second/third depositors in A or S/s accounts are not possible. Renewal of the deposit by a change in the first named depositor is not possible in the case of F or S/s accounts.

1] Stick Rs.1 Revenue stamp on the back side of fixed deposit receipt and across Signed by all depositors.
2] Signature of all applicants on the application form.
3] Self attested copy of PAN Card and address proof (all the applicants in case of joint application)
4] One cancelled cheque (for ECS).
5] Stick Passport size photograph of sole applicant on application form.
6] Submit your application form below mentioned submission centers /branches in FD Department.
7] Keep photocopy of application form for your record.

Click here for more details about Shriram Finance Ltd Fixed Deposit

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