Being proud of your investments is indeed a valuable perspective, as it reflects financial responsibility and strategic planning. Here are a few reasons why being proud of your investments can be more meaningful than being proud of your salary:

  • Financial Independence: Investments can provide a path to financial independence and security. When your investments generate passive income or appreciate in value, you become less reliant on a paycheck and more in control of your financial future. 
  • Wealth Building: Investing allows you to grow your wealth over time. The compounding of returns on investments can potentially lead to substantial gains, whereas a salary is generally fixed or subject to incremental increases. 
  • Diversification: Properly diversified investments spread risk and can provide stability, even during economic downturns. Relying solely on a salary from one job can be risky if unexpected circumstances arise, like job loss. 

    Long-Term Goals: Investments can help you achieve long-term financial goals, such as retirement planning or funding education for your children. A salary, while essential for daily expenses, may not be enough to meet these goals. 

  • Financial Education: Successfully managing investments often requires financial literacy and decision-making skills. Being proud of your investments reflects your ability to learn and make informed financial decisions.

However, it’s essential to remember that a good salary can play a crucial role in funding your initial investments. The combination of a solid income and wise investment choices can lead to financial success. So, while being proud of your investments is valuable, it shouldn’t diminish the importance of earning a fair and equitable salary in the first place. Both aspects of personal finance can work together to help you achieve your financial objectives.